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Hi there!waving hand

I’m Matias Bacelara front-end focused software developer who likes to build interfaces & digital experiences for
the web.


I am a self-taught developer from La Plata (Buenos Aires) with a focus on Javascript & React. I have an interest in micro interactions and effects in the UI as well as creating user experiences that are dynamic and interactive.

I started programming for fun a few years ago and without realizing it, programming became a hobby and now a profession. I enjoy building interfaces that are useful without losing the aesthetics of the application as I believe that usability and aesthetics are equally important.

These are some of the technologies that I normally use for my personal projects and professionally:

- Javascript

- React

- Node

- Git

- Typescript

- Next

- Mongoose

- Github Actions

- Vite

- RTL & Jest

- Mongo

- Figma



Freelance DeveloperGo to website @ Freelancer

(Aug 2021 - May 2022)
Website for the SPB Circle of Officers with the React ecosystem, the most important features were custom form validation, storing data in firebase, custom maps and animations.
Application called Tiendas platenses that give users the ability to search for different products and contact the specific seller of that product.

Front-end DeveloperGo to website @ ModoAgrario

(May 2022 - Oct 2023)
Developed and mantained code for the company software (Collaborative E-sourcing platform) with React and his ecosystem.
Develop the landing page of the company with Next JS, I used the Internationalized Routing functionality to have translations in English, Spanish and Portuguese as well as adding animations using framer motion.

Front-end DeveloperGo to website @ Darwoft

(Sep 2023 - Present)
Developed a dynamic map report builder using Next JS, using server and client components, next-js API for endpoint creation and the Puppeteer library.
Developed a dynamic map report builder where i utilice different Mapbox services (Mapbox static Image Api, Mapbox GL JS, etc...) for generating a series of maps with dynamic custom layers.
waving handSee curriculum vitae


Snapcode coverGo to website Snapcode






Framer motion



Snapcode is an application to create code snippets, download, save and delete them using GitHub as authentication provider & Supabase.

Moderne coverGo to website Moderne




Framer motion




Styled components

Moderne is an app for a fictional high tech property construction company, in this project the focus is on animations using both Framer Motion and CSS.

If you want to contact me to ask me something my inbox is always open.